MAHLE玛勒过滤产品 上海铂鳞贸易优势供应欧美进口元器件欢迎新老客户致电询价电话:021-60494374 优势供应 系列产品欢迎来电咨/contact/show_122.html 联系人:王昊强 电话:021-60494374 手机: 传真:021-31156785 Q 邮箱: whq@ 上海铂鳞贸易有限公司优势 德国:votech滤芯、HERZOG光电传感器、HYDROPA压力继电器、雅恩 斯jahns马达、FSG传感器、fanal压力开关、mahle过滤器、滤芯 FSG传感器 smw卡盘 gelbau安全开关 jumo传感器 burster传感器 TURCK接近开关 inducode编码器 ADDAMCZEWSKI放大器 MAYSER继电器 BUHLER传感器、液位开关 DI-SORIC接近开关、传感器 mgv电源 jbw电机 美国:SWAGELOK阀、North American燃烧器,限流阀、巴世德barksdale压力开关、 Contemporary Control Systems光纤转换器、Jordan阀门、GO减压阀、Magnatrol 电磁阀、PMV 阀门回讯器、TopWorx阀门控制器、Bettis执行机构气缸、Masoneilan、Flowserve、Go开关、 STONEL阀位回讯器限位开关、AI-TEK传感器,转速表、Teledyne气体分析仪、NUGENT硅藻土滤 芯,纤维素滤芯、 Des.Case空滤器、PEARSON电流传感器、ITT压力开关、Dongan变压器、 BLACK BOX、AIRPOT AIRPEL气缸、DAYTON电机、麦格纳丘magnetrol液位开关,液位计、 airpel气缸 dynalco仪表 sprague泵 pearson电流传感器 gems电磁阀 murphy仪表 BISON电机 murr接头 nugent硅藻土滤芯30-150-207 nordson泵 Topworx限位开关 REXNORD轴承 NUMATICS电磁阀 ACOPIAN电源 AMI氧分析仪 英国:WESTLOCK阀门控制装置、WESTLOCK行程开关 sprint-electric 驱动器 瑞士:瑞士Vibro-Meter探头、瑞典PIAB 联系人:王昊强 电话:021-60494374 手机: 传真:021-31156785 Q 邮箱: whq@ MAHLE玛勒滤芯 Filter elements are the heart of any effective hydraulic filtration. Made exclusively at MAHLE industrial filters in ?hringen, our unique Sm-N2 and Sm-x filter element ensure outstanding oil purity in hydraulic and lubrication systems, even in difficult applications. MAHLE hydraulic filter elements are at the forefront of modern hydraulic filtration and exceed all national and international standards. MAHLE hydraulic filter elements are made for MAHLE standard and DIN filter housings, in the dimensions of other filter manufacturers and in customer-specific designs. 点击查看所有MAHLE滤芯的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒吸油过滤器 Suction filters protect the pump of a hydraulic system from rough contamination. They are either installed in front of the pump or - especially maintenance-friendly - accessible from the outside with the clogging indicator built into the suction line. The broad selection of system-suitable elements permits protection of the system and pump in the fine range from 10 - 25 μm with Mic quality or in the rough range with cleanable wire mesh. Suction Filter Pi 160 Suction Filter Pi 1710, nominal size up to 480 点击查看所有MAHLE吸油过滤器的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒管路过滤器 Pressure filters are available as full- or partial-flow filters for the pressure ranges low-pressure to 25 (60) bar, medium pressure to 210 bar, high pressure to 450 bar. The housings are of robust, flow-friendly design; the filter elements are made from a broad selection of system-suitable components adapted precisely to meet the specific requirements. New hydraulic filters in accordance with DIN 24 550 fulfil current market demands. An extensive accessory programme completes our offering. Low Pressure Filter Pi 1500, operating pressure 10 (25) bar, nominal size up to 600, according to DIN 24550 Low Pressure Filter Pi 1907, operating pressure 16 bar, nominal size 400 up to 6000 Low Pressure Filter Pi 1975, operating pressure 6 bar, nominal size 50 Low Pressure Filter Pi 220, operating pressure 10 bar, nominal size up to 160 Low Pressure Filter Pi 230, operating pressure 25 (63) bar, nominal size up to 800 Low Pressure Filter Pi 2300, operating pressure 25 (40) bar, nominal size up to 2000, according to DIN 24550 Low Pressure Filter Pi 270, operating pressure 10 bar, nominal size up to 315 Medium Pressure Filter Pi 3000, operating pressure 200 (315) bar, nominal size up to 400, according to DIN 24550 Medium Pressure Filter Pi 340, operating pressure 250 bar, nominal size up to 450 Medium Pressure Filter Pi 360, operating pressure 210 (315) bar, nominal size up to 300 High Pressure Filter Pi 4000, operating pressure 400 bar, nominal size up to 400, according to DIN 24550 High Pressure Filter Pi 410, operating pressure 315 bar, nominal size 20-63 High Pressure Filter Pi 420, operating pressure 400 bar, nominal size up to 450 Low Pressure Filter Pi 150, operating pressure 10 (25) bar, nominal size up to 630 点击查看所有MAHLE管路过滤器的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒双联过滤器 Since an interruption of production to change the filter element is usually not possible in continuous processes, MAHLE offers the ideal solution with its duplex filter series. Duplex filters with standard integrated clogging indicator work trouble-free around the clock and can be easily serviced or replaced without interruption of operations or switchover breaks. Low Pressure Duplex Filter Pi 210, operating pressure 25 (63) bar, nominal size up to 450 Low Pressure Duplex Filter Pi 2100, operating pressure 25 (63) bar, nominal size up to 40, 100, 250 according to DIN 24550 Low Pressure Duplex Filter Pi 2100, operating pressure 25 bar, nominal size up to 630 and 1000, according to DIN 24550 Low Pressure Duplex Filter Pi 231 Low Pressure Duplex Filter Pi 5075, operating pressure 16 bar, nominal size 400 up to 6000 Medium Pressure Duplex Filter Pi 370, operating pressure 200 (250) bar, nominal size up to 450 Medium Pressure Duplex Filter Pi 3700, operating pressure 200 (250) bar, nominal size up to 400, according to DIN 24550 点击查看所有MAHLE双联过滤器的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒回油过滤器 Return-line filters collect all the dirt that is produced in the system and rinsed out of the hydraulic system. This prevents dangerous dirt circulation arising through the tank and pump. These filters are usually installed in a space-saving way directly in the hydraulic tank and so belong to the most widely used filters for mobile machines. Through the use of modern materials, such as plastic made of glass-fibre-reinforced polyamide as well as aluminium, MAHLE return filters are especially light. Practically all filtration degrees are possible. Tank Top Return-line Filter Pi 500, nominal size 40 up to 100, according to DIN 24550 Tank Top Return-line Filter Pi 500, nominal size 160-1000, according to DIN 24550 Duplex Tank Top Return-line Filter Pi 510, nominal size 40 up to 1000, according to DIN 24550 Tank Top Return-line Filter Pi 530, nominal size 35 and 50 点击查看所有MAHLE回油过滤器的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒旁路过滤系统及滤油车 Partial-flow filters are used in stationary designs to filter large quantities of oil, which cannot be cleaned adequately or only very uneconomically with full-flow filters. Through the filter's own circuit, which is optimally adapted to it, outstanding oil cleanliness can be achieved even in very large systems. In mobile design, partial-flow filters can be used very flexibly as flushing, filling or filtering units. Mobile Filter Unit Pi 8100, flow rates 27 and 55 l/min External Loop Filter 点击查看所有MAHLE旁路过滤系统及滤油车的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒自清洗过滤器 With their advantage of non-stop operation, MAHLE automatic filters have expanded into new areas of application in automatic purification and disposal systems. They include the regeneration of cooling lubricants, rolling, drawing, washing and similar fluids as well as the filtration of fuel and lubricants of large diesel engines in marine engineering and power plant engineering to name but a few. Our continuous, further development of materials and manufacturing technologies guarantees economically and technically optimum products of the highest quality. MAHLE industrial filters are therefore the first choice for machine manufacturers as well as for their users. Model: AF71L, AF71G, AF71H, AF72G, AF73G, AF73S, AF74S, AF93G, AF113G, AF133G, AF1334-parallel, AF153G, AF173G. 点击查看所有MAHLE自清洗过滤器的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒旋装式过滤器 Spin-on cartridges are filter elements that are designed as a unit with a housing. Through their compact construction, maintenance-free handling and outstanding value for the money, spin-on cartridges are used with mobile machines and in the stationary area as suction and low-pressure filters up to 25 bar. Equipped with highly efficient Mic and Sm-x filter inserts, MAHLE spin-on cartridges achieve the same filtration rates in the multi-pass test following ISO 16889 as do standard hydraulic filter elements. Spin-on Cartridges, operating pressure 10/16/25 bar, nominal size up to 160 点击查看所有MAHLE旋装式过滤器的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒油箱空气过滤器 Air breather filters are used for contamination-free air supply to tanks. A co-ordinated modular design permits flexible adaptation to the specified operating conditions. MAHLE offers a large selection of system-suitable filter elements that are corrosion- and impact-resistant and can be supplied with a variety of connection possibilities. Air Breather Filters Pi 0101 - Pi 0185 点击查看所有MAHLE油箱空气过滤器的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒污染发讯器及过滤器附件 Filter elements are used economically only when their dirt-holding capacity is completely used. The time when the filter element is exhausted must be reliably shown even after the system is shut down, and display must be as free of disturbances as possible. Filter housings with contamination indicators fulfil this condition and also simplify maintenance. MAHLE offers a proven, unique modular system of optical and electric contamination indicators and pressure switches for almost all fluid and breather filters. Contamination Indicators 点击查看所有MAHLE污染发讯器及过滤器附件的详细介绍》 MAHLE玛勒油品检测仪 The portable contamination measuring system PIC 9100 permits measurement of solid contaminants in hydraulic fluids in accordance with the standards ISO 4406 and NAS 1638. A highly precise laser measurement system, an integrated suction pump and integrated tank permit measurements on practically all systems and machines. With the optionally available evaluation software, this equipment is an essential instrument for maintenance and service of fluid-technical systems. Portable Contamination Measuring System Pic 9100, max. operating pressure 315 bar 点击查看所有MAHLE油品检测仪的详细介绍》