Decompression 2 Stage Decompression Our decompression systems use pilot operated valves as a means of achieving two stage decompression. ? 上海铂鳞贸易优势供应欧美进口元器件欢迎新老客户致电询价电话:021-60494374 优势供应 系列产品欢迎来电咨/contact/show_122.html 联系人:王昊强 电话:021-60494374 手机: 传真:021-31156785 Q 邮箱: whq@ 上海铂鳞贸易有限公司优势 德国:votech滤芯、HERZOG光电传感器、HYDROPA压力继电器、雅恩 斯jahns马达、FSG传感器、fanal压力开关、mahle过滤器、滤芯 FSG传感器 smw卡盘 gelbau安全开关 jumo传感器 burster传感器 TURCK接近开关 inducode编码器 ADDAMCZEWSKI放大器 MAYSER继电器 BUHLER传感器、液位开关 DI-SORIC接近开关、传感器 mgv电源 jbw电机 美国:SWAGELOK阀、North American燃烧器,限流阀、巴世德barksdale压力开关、 Contemporary Control Systems光纤转换器、Jordan阀门、GO减压阀、Magnatrol 电磁阀、PMV 阀门回讯器、TopWorx阀门控制器、Bettis执行机构气缸、Masoneilan、Flowserve、Go开关、 STONEL阀位回讯器限位开关、AI-TEK传感器,转速表、Teledyne气体分析仪、NUGENT硅藻土滤 芯,纤维素滤芯、 Des.Case空滤器、PEARSON电流传感器、ITT压力开关、Dongan变压器、 BLACK BOX、AIRPOT AIRPEL气缸、DAYTON电机、麦格纳丘magnetrol液位开关,液位计、 airpel气缸 dynalco仪表 sprague泵 pearson电流传感器 gems电磁阀 murphy仪表 BISON电机 murr接头 nugent硅藻土滤芯30-150-207 nordson泵 Topworx限位开关 REXNORD轴承 NUMATICS电磁阀 ACOPIAN电源 AMI氧分析仪 英国:WESTLOCK阀门控制装置、WESTLOCK行程开关 sprint-electric 驱动器 瑞士:瑞士Vibro-Meter探头、瑞典PIAB 联系人:王昊强 电话:021-60494374 手机: 传真:021-31156785 Q 邮箱: whq@ ? The objective is to gradually reduce the system pressure until the threat of decompression shock no longer a factor and at that point of the pressure reduction cycle, open a second valve with greater flow capacity which will allow the cylinder or vessel to complete the drain to reservoir (tank) cycle. The relationship of decompression to pressure is complicated by cylinder or vessel diameter, length and diameter of hoses in the system. Each system may be unique and safe stage two decompression pressure should be determined based on testing by the OEM and then determining a safe PSI for each system design. Product Spec Sheet No. Housings SD2 Housing for Two Stage Decompression 1201268 SD842 Housing for Two Stage Decompression 1203114 Valves Used in conjunction with above housings for 2 stage decompression Air Pilot, 1-1/2 GPM, Hex Base, N/C 1 to 2, Pilot to Open, Ratios to 255:1, Uni-directional 1201235 Air Pilot, 1-1/2 GPM, Tamper-Resistant, N/C 1 to 2, Pilot to Open, Ratios to 255:1, Uni-directional 1201457 Manually-Operated, 1-1/2 GPM, Hex Base, N/C 1 to 2, Push to Open Force (PSIx.013+15PSI) 1201499 2 Way, N/C, Pilot with Manual Override, Orifice Option 1202392